Network meeting November 8, 2018 at Four Seasons Produce

Where: Four Seasons Produce, 400 Wabash Road, Ephrata, PA 17522-0788
Phone:  717-721-2800 contact – Erin Edwards
When:  Thursday November 8, 2018 from 9am to 2pm
How many attendees – Up to four per member company
What:  “Culture initiative project” – go see some examples of employee engagement in action, discuss what similar activities your organization has done, are doing, are considering.
Lunch will be provided at a cost of $10/attendee, please bring cash.
Safety and comfort – Bring a jacket or warm clothing, No open toed shoes
9 to 9:45 – Introduce ourselves, learn about Four Seasons Produce and why they are pursuing employee engagement so aggressively.9:45 – 10 – Brief break

10 – Noon – tour the facility

Noon to 12:30 – working lunch

12:30 to 3pm – Discuss the tour, questions regarding the approach, the level of commitment required and the daily activities to maintain momentum.  Discuss network news.




Registration is required
Please register by Monday November 5, the cutoff for registration
To register please email:
Hope to see you there








Misco Products date to be RESCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER



Where:  Misco Products, 1048 Stinson Drive, Reading PA 19605, phone 610-926-4106

When:  Friday 10/5/18 8:30 to 3:00 –

What:  Subject to be determined 

Who:  Three per member company (we will have some additional room, please contact me for additional attendee registration)

Lunch – Please bring $10 for each attendee to cover Misco’s costs for providing lunch

Safety:  No opened toed shoes, safety glasses required and available

Registration is required.  To register please go to:



Summary, June 19, 2018 at Raymond Corporation

I always find it humbling to tour Raymond Corporation.  The level of energy and commitment to customer (internal and external) satisfaction consistently amazes.

Special thanks to George Westcott, Todd, Rick and Amber for helping us see the Toyota Production System in action and notice the consistent, measured application of kaizen throughout the facility.

Companies in attendance:

  • Four Seasons Produce
  • Restek
  • Benco Dental (our guest)

Next meeting at Misco Products in Reading PA.  Thursday September 13, 2018, Subject to be determined.  I’ll post the details later this summer.


Summary LTN meeting at Brentwood Industries May 17, 2018

Many thanks to Gretchen Kusmierz, Leroy Barton, Zach Meredick, Justin Smith, Henry Ramsey, Rich Maguire and the entire Brentwood team for hosting such a successful event.

Fascinating and engaging day for our group, Four Seasons Produce and Restek, at Brentwood Industries.

The day’s objective was to analysis a machine setup and suggest countermeasures to reduce the time from 14 hours to 7 hours.

It is wonderful to observe the power and effectiveness of collective thinking/ team problem solving.

We look forward to hearing how Brentwood’s team proceeds with this experiment. I believe the 7 hour target can be surpassed.

Next meeting Tuesday, June 19th at Raymond Corp.  Don’t miss this one


LTN meeting Tuesday June 19, 2018 at Raymond Corp., Greene NY

Last summer we again visited Raymond Corporation and were blown away with their systems, processes, inclusion, flow, organization, visuals….you name it.  We decided that day that we would come back again to see this Toyota owned company.   I know it is vacation season and a long drive (north of Binghamton NY), but I believe this will be worth your time and effort.

GREENE, NEW YORK 13778-0130

When:  Tuesday June 19, 2018 9:30am to 3pm (lunch will be provided….please let me know of food allergies and restrictions so I can pass that info on to Raymond Corp. All attendees should bring $10 in cash for lunch.

What:  See the Toyota Production System in action.  The focus of the day has yet to be determined however, prepare to be blown away by the continuous improvement process present everywhere you go.

Who:  Four per member company. Safety:  No opened toed shoes, safety glasses required and available

Registration is required.

I must have names and titles of all attendees by Friday June 8, 2018.

To register email me at:


Next LTN May 17, 2018 at Brentwood Industries

Where: Brentwood Industries, 621 Brentwood Drive, Reading, PA
Phone: 610-347-8580 – Gretchen Kusmierz
When:  Thursday May 17, 2018 from 8:30am to 3pm
What:  The subject:  Setup Reduction (SMED) in the clean room.  A3 coming soon.
Lunch will be provided at a cost of $10/attendee, please bring cash.
Registration is required
Please register by May 4, 2018 the cutoff for registration
To register please email:
Hope to see you there

LTN 2018 schedule

Schedule Revised 3/20/18

May 17, 2018 – Brentwood Industries


September 13, 2018 – Misco Products


November 8, 2018 – Four Seasons Produce


TBD – Sometime in the summer of 2018

Next LTN meeting Thursday March 15, 2018 at Flinchbaugh Engineering – POSTPONED

Where:  FEI, 4387 Run Way, York PA 17406-9702
Phone: 717-434-1987
What:  The subject:  FEI was kind enough to fill a hole in our schedule for Q1 2018.  Recently they have brought in completely new customer supplied equipment and, with a lean/Toyota focus in mind, laid it out.  We will be able to observe this new environment and hear a war story or two about the give and take process used to create that environment.
To register please email:
Hope to see you there

Summary LTN meeting at Inclinator 11/16/17

Thanks to Bill Stratton and his team for a very interesting day.

Inclinator’s A3 focused on future (2019) plant layout, a very broad and exciting topic.

Many, many ideas were discussed, providing Inclinator’s team with an assortment of approaches they may find useful.

Attending member companies:

  • Brentwood Industries
  • Misco Products
  • Four Season’s Produce
  • and our guest Raymond Corporation

Next meeting, tentatively at Snap Cabs, will be in Q1 2018. I will pass on the details as soon as I know the date and subject.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Next LTN meeting at Inclinator 11.16.17

Where:  Inclinator, 601 Gibson Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 17104
Phone: 855-654-7139
When:  Thursday November 16, 2017 from 8:30am to 3pm
What:  The subject:  The go see, tour and subsequent team discussion/brain storming will focus on improving flow and developing a new plant layout to facilitate flow.
Registration are required and must be made by Thursday November 9, 2017.
To register please email:
Hope to see you there