Where: FEI, 4387 Run Way, York PA 17406-9702Phone: 717-434-1987When: POSTPONED – WAITING FOR RESCHEDULE DATE TO BE CONFIRMEDWhat: The subject: FEI was kind enough to fill a hole in our schedule for Q1 2018. Recently they have brought in completely new customer supplied equipment and, with a lean/Toyota focus in mind, laid it out. We will be able to observe this new environment and hear a war story or two about the give and take process used to create that environment.LUNCH WILL BE $10 EACH AND PROVIDEDTo register please email: Dwight@dwightbowen.comHope to see you there
One Comment
Brian Yangula
Three will attend from Restek (assuming 3 can still attend).
Three will attend from Restek (assuming 3 can still attend).