Announcing our newest member and an Academic Affiliate

It is my great pleasure to introduce UtiliTech Inc. as the newest member of our network. Utilitech, located in Wyomissing, PA, has completed two Value Stream Maps and is well underway completing those implementation kaizens. UtiliTech provides expert analysis of utility and telecommunication invoices, contracts, tariffs and infrastructure to eliminate unnecessary expenses and recover refunds.

In addition to UtiliTech, I am delighted to introduce Reading Area Community College as the network’s academic affiliate. RACC will be presenting network members with discounts on training, including their “distant learning” program and other unique opportunities.

Next Network Meeting RESCHEDULED for 1/11/07

Good Afternoon

Our next meeting at Yoder Brothers Inc., has been rescheduled for Thursday January 11, 2007.  The meeting will begin at 8:30am, ending around Noon.  PLEASE ADJUST YOUR CALANDERS.

Happy Holidays to All


Next Network Meeting

Good Afternoon

Our next network meeting:

Where:  Yoder Brothers Greenhouse, 2369 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602

Phone: 717.299.0300

When: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 from 8:30 until Noon

What: Yoder Brothers will discuss how they have effectively used communication tools to begin to create and maintain a culture of continuous improvement.  They have a compelling story, with supportive results.
Who: Due to space considerations 2 representatives per member company

Why:  Because creating and maintaining a culture of continuous improvement is a struggle for all of us, everyday.

Network Meeting at MSC Summary

A fascinating morning which demonstrated many improvement opportunities for all attending companies. Perhaps we can simplify and possibly outsource MRO inventory control and three-way-match costs. A special thank you goes out to Scott Bemesderffer of American LaFrance and Keith and Randy of MSC for helping to make this event a success.
Over twenty member representatives attended.
In attendance:

  • Misco Products
  • The Rose Corporation
  • American LaFrance
  • Remcon Plastics
  • Reading Powder Coatings
  • Yoder Brothers
  • Clean Burn Inc.


Insinger Machine

Tuesday, November 14

Network meeting:

When: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2006 from 8:30am until Noon

Where: MSC, 100 MSC Drive, Jonestown, PA…….Keith Bowersox is our contact @ 1-800-637-0916 ext: 8676

Who: 3 attendees per member company

What:  MSC is a large distributor and supplies several network members (Clean Burn, American LaFrance and The Rose Corp).  This meetings focus will be easing the effort and costs of purchasing transactions (3 way match),and MSC’s improved pick, pack and ship process.

I toured the Jonestown facility a few weeks ago and was very impressed with the 600,000 sq ft operation.  I believe we will all learn from this tour/meeting.

Summary of 9/21/06 network meeting at Savage Toyota

Many thanks to Eric Savage at Savage Toyota in Hamburg, PA for doing a terrific job describing and walking us through the process improvements Savage has attained in the last few years. We discuss their much improved Sales process……measurable and continuously improving, the Service process and it’s relationship to manufacturing, capacity planning, on-time delivery etc., parts department less inventory but they have what they need when they need it and the people process focusing on having fun, being valued and being nice.

Each attending member found something in Eric’s presentation that will likely be applicable in their company.

In attendance:

  • Misco Products
  • The Rose Corporation
  • American LaFrance
  • Remcon Plastics
  • Insinger Machine
  • Yoder Brothers


Reading Powder Coatings

Clean Burn Inc.