Next network meeting Thursday May 19, 2016 @ Misco Products

Misco has developed a Quality Management Team.  This team was developed to address quality issues that are brought up both internally and from our customers.  One of the quality issues we have discussed many times at our Quality Management Meetings is the fact that we often use the incorrect insert in our bottles that are run in “Cell 5”.  As a Quality Management Team we have developed put several processes in place in the cell to prevent use of the wrong insert as well as make sure we run the correct amount of bottles.  We would like to present our Quality Management Team, evaluate the improvements put in place as well as analyze the function of the cell to see if the group would be able to identify any additional improvements.

Our Quality Management Team will be available at the meeting to present our project as well as answer any questions during the cell evaluation.

Where:  Misco Products, 1048 Stinson Drive, Reading PA 19605, phone 610-926-4106

When:  Thursday May 19, 2016 from 9am until Noon.

What:  The live, interactive subject will be Misco’s Quality System Evaluation.

Who:  Three per member company (we will have some additional room, please contact me for additional attendee registration)

Safety:  No opened toed shoes, safety glasses required and available

Registration is required.  To register please go to:

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