Supervising and the war against waste


In a lean transformation the daily work life of supervisors and front line managers, typically changes than any other position in the company. Supervisors and front line managers are the sergeants and lieutenants in the war against waste. What do they need to be successful?


  1. John Kreps


    Homerun. You can’t expect the frontline supervisors to lead the change and develop a continous improvement culture if they are not trained and do not understand the proceeses.

  2. Rick Kettering

    Dwight, I agree with John, you’ve hit on another winning topic. With out the training for the supervisors and/ or lead people on the floor, your program is bound for failure. Your comments on Cultural changes are what I heard the loudest. Cultural change is one if not the most important changes a company must go through to make their programs effective in the long run and might I add, one of the most difficult. With out having trained people to help impliment and explain to the workforce the changes and how they make good common sense to all, your wasting everyones valuable time.

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