The networks first visit to our newest network member did not disappoint.
We were first struck by the beautiful facility which included a workout room and a beautiful lunch/breakfast area with a view.
Both of our hosts and most attendees felt the meeting was rushed with our schedule of completion by noon. I offered Videon the opportunity to host later in 2013 or early in 2014 allowing a full day aw I would provide training in the afternoon.
Highlights of the tour
Videon refers to their continuous improvement program as QRM (Quick Response Manufacturing) and used several terms either new to our network or having different definitions then Lean and or the Toyota Production System. Though semantics occasionally created some confusion, the visuals and the improvement activities look very much like to lean and the neon is off to a strong start. I and many others were most impressed with the people and the culture being developed.
Thanks to everyone at Videon, especially Kent, Rob, Ian and Paul for hosting our network.
In attendance:
- Adhesives Research
- Green Leaf Enterprises
- Misco
- Peiffer
- Philips Ultrasound
- Restek
- Rose Corporation
Our next meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2013 at Adhesives Research. We are looking for a host in May. If interested please contact me.
July we are hoping to schedule a group visit to Lycoming Engines a Shingo Prize winner.