Recommendations for beginning your lean journey.
* Know your story, who you are and what you believe in.
* Find and document “true north”
Failure modes
* Overwhelmed – no more than five major improvement efforts per year
* Dysfunctional mental models
* Not understanding deeply enough
A3 Thinking
* Tell your P-D-C-A story
* Difficult to do
* Learn by doing – no shortcuts
* Make the implicit explicit
It is said that complexity is profound, however “Complexity is a crude state simplification marks the end of a process of refinement”
The Four Rules of TPS
(by Kent Bowen & Steven Spears)
1. Standards – All work shall be highly specified as to content, sequence, timing and outcome
2. Connections – Every customer-supplier connection must be direct with a yes-or-no way to send a request and receive a response
3. Pathways – The pathway for every product must be simple and direct.
4. Improvement – Any improvement must be made in accordance with the scientific method (PDCA), under guidance of the teacher, at the lowest level in the organization.
The Four Capabilities
1. Standard work is designed so that problems are visible every cycle
2. Problems are swarmed immediately, everyone solves problems
3. Learning is shared laterally
4. Leaders take responsibility for the development of all their people.